imax mx 241 mtk cpu flash file by-gsmsaiful
VCC Pin:
GND Pin:
Signal Pin:2, 3, 6, 12, 22,
>>> Scanning Mobile PinOut...
>>> Please Hold the Power key...
Get Mobile PinOut: TXD:22 RXD:12
>>> Please Hold the Power key...
>>> Connecting Mobile...
Tip:This Mobile Support USB Flash...
Hardware Version:CA01
Software Version:0001
>>> Downloading First Boot...
Verifying First Boot...
>>> Downloading Second Boot...
>>> Authenticating BOOT...
BOOT Validation Success...
================NOR Flash Info=================
Flash Size:0x00400000 -> 4M
Flash ID:0x00EF004000160000
Flash Name:SF_W25Q32BV
================NAND Flash Info=================
Flash Size:0x00000000 -> 0M
Flash ID:0x0000000000000000
All Done...