Lollipop V5.1.1 Flash Hang On Logo Flash Done
Samsung Z1 SM-Z130H Lollipop V5.1.1 Flash Hang On Logo Flash Done Free By Dk Dulal
How To Flash Hang On Logo
Model: Samsung Z1 SM-Z130H
OS Version: Android Lollipop V5.1.1
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<ID:0/005> Added!!
<ID:0/005> Odin engine v(ID:3.1101)..
<ID:0/005> File analysis..
<ID:0/005> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/005> Initialzation..
<ID:0/005> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/005> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/005> SingleDownload.
<ID:0/005> param.lfs
<ID:0/005> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/005> dzImage
<ID:0/005> sboot.bin
<ID:0/005> spl.img
<ID:0/005> dzImage-recovery
<ID:0/005> rootfs.img
<ID:0/005> system-data.img
<ID:0/005> ramdisk-recovery.img
<ID:0/005> user.img
<ID:0/005> SPRDCP.img
<ID:0/005> Transmission Complete..
<ID:0/005> Now Writing.. Please wait about 2 minutes
<ID:0/005> Receive Response from boot-loader
<ID:0/005> SPRDDSP.img
<ID:0/005> Transmission Complete..
<ID:0/005> Now Writing.. Please wait about 2 minutes
<ID:0/005> Receive Response from boot-loader
<ID:0/005> nvitem.bin
<ID:0/005> Transmission Complete..
<ID:0/005> Now Writing.. Please wait about 2 minutes
<ID:0/005> Receive Response from boot-loader
<ID:0/005> csc.img
<ID:0/005> RQT_CLOSE !!
<ID:0/005> RES OK !!
<ID:0/005> Removed!!
<ID:0/005> Remain Port .... 0
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 1 / failed 0)
<ID:0/031> Added!!
<ID:0/031> Removed!!
OS Version: Android Lollipop V5.1.1
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<ID:0/005> Added!!
<ID:0/005> Odin engine v(ID:3.1101)..
<ID:0/005> File analysis..
<ID:0/005> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/005> Initialzation..
<ID:0/005> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/005> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/005> SingleDownload.
<ID:0/005> param.lfs
<ID:0/005> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/005> dzImage
<ID:0/005> sboot.bin
<ID:0/005> spl.img
<ID:0/005> dzImage-recovery
<ID:0/005> rootfs.img
<ID:0/005> system-data.img
<ID:0/005> ramdisk-recovery.img
<ID:0/005> user.img
<ID:0/005> SPRDCP.img
<ID:0/005> Transmission Complete..
<ID:0/005> Now Writing.. Please wait about 2 minutes
<ID:0/005> Receive Response from boot-loader
<ID:0/005> SPRDDSP.img
<ID:0/005> Transmission Complete..
<ID:0/005> Now Writing.. Please wait about 2 minutes
<ID:0/005> Receive Response from boot-loader
<ID:0/005> nvitem.bin
<ID:0/005> Transmission Complete..
<ID:0/005> Now Writing.. Please wait about 2 minutes
<ID:0/005> Receive Response from boot-loader
<ID:0/005> csc.img
<ID:0/005> RQT_CLOSE !!
<ID:0/005> RES OK !!
<ID:0/005> Removed!!
<ID:0/005> Remain Port .... 0
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 1 / failed 0)
<ID:0/031> Added!!
<ID:0/031> Removed!!